
GameMaker 有大量可用的键盘快捷键,尽管大多数快捷键都在IDE中标记在与它们相关的菜单项旁边,但并非所有快捷键都是或在开始时对用户都是显而易见的。在这里,您可以找到所有键盘快捷键的完整列表,以提供简单的参考指南。有些快捷键可以通过键入热键组合来访问。


注意 您可以在 重新定义按键首选项 中更改快捷键。



  1. 全局
  2. 路径编辑器
  3. GML视觉
  4. 房间编辑器
  5. 序列编辑器
  6. 图像编辑器
  7. 精灵编辑器
  8. 物体编辑器
  9. 声音编辑器
  10. 声音混合器
  11. 时间线编辑器
  12. 图块集编辑器
  13. 旧版代码编辑器
  14. 资源浏览器
  15. 调试器
  16. 羽毛
  17. 工作区
  18. 字体编辑器
  19. 动画曲线编辑器
  20. 代码编辑器


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
Control + EqualsCommand + Equals全局Zoom in
Control + MinusCommand + Minus全局Zoom out
Control + EnterCommand + Enter全局Reset zoom
Control + FCommand + F全局Zoom fit
Delete 全局Delete
BackSpace 全局Delete the selected items
G 全局Toggle the grid
Control + GCommand + G全局Toggle grid snapping
F2 全局Rename the current item
Control + ACommand + A全局Select all
Insert 全局Insert
Control + C
Control + Insert
Command + C全局Copy
Control + V
Shift + Insert
Command + V全局Paste
Control + X
Shift + Delete
Command + X全局Cut
Control + DCommand + D全局Duplicate
Escape 全局Cancel
 全局Commit tool changes
Control + OCommand + O全局Open a GameMaker project
Control + SCommand + S全局Save the current project
Control + Shift + SCommand + Shift + S全局Save the current project under a different name
Control + NCommand + N全局Create a new GameMaker project
Control + ECommand + E全局Export the current project as a YYZ file
Alt + F4Command + Q全局Quit
Control + ZCommand + Z全局Undo
Control + Y
Control + Shift + Z
Command + Y
Command + Shift + Z
F5 全局Run the game
F6 全局Continue code execution in the debugger
Control + F7Command + F7全局Clean the build
Control + F8Command + F8全局Create an executable package using the current target settings
RightAlt + N 全局Create a new note asset
RightAlt + C 全局Create a new script asset
RightAlt + A 全局Create a new shader asset
RightAlt + T 全局Create a new timeline asset
RightAlt + E 全局Create a new extension asset
RightAlt + F 全局Create a new font asset
RightAlt + O 全局Create a new object asset
RightAlt + P 全局Create a new path asset
RightAlt + R 全局Create a new room asset
RightAlt + G 全局Create a new sequence asset
RightAlt + B 全局Create a new tile set asset
RightAlt + J 全局Create a new animation curve asset
RightAlt + K 全局Create a new particle system asset
Alt + I 全局Open the Included Files window
RightAlt + U 全局Create a new sound asset
RightAlt + S 全局Create a new sprite asset
Control + TCommand + T全局Open the goto menu
Control + Alt + MCommand + Alt + M全局Bring up the Feather Messages window
Control + Shift + FCommand + Shift + F全局Open project-wide Search and Replace
Control + Shift + PCommand + Comma全局Open the Preferences
Control + Shift + ICommand + Shift + I全局Open the Inspector
F1 全局Open the GameMaker Manual
Alt + F1 全局Preview definition
F12 全局Toggle whether docked windows are expanded or collapsed
Shift + F12 全局Force Dock Expansion
Control + WCommand + W全局Close the active IDE tab
Tab 全局Move focus to the next IDE element
Shift + Tab 全局Move focus to the next IDE element
Enter 全局Accept focus
Space 全局Pan
全局Hold while scrolling the mouse wheel
全局Select multiple
RightShift 全局Select range
全局Add to current selection
RightAlt 全局Remove from current selection
Control + Shift + Number0Command + Shift + Number0全局Set bookmark 0
Control + Shift + Number1Command + Shift + Number1全局Set bookmark 1
Control + Shift + Number2Command + Shift + Number2全局Set bookmark 2
Control + Shift + Number3Command + Shift + Number3全局Set bookmark 3
Control + Shift + Number4Command + Shift + Number4全局Set bookmark 4
Control + Shift + Number5Command + Shift + Number5全局Set bookmark 5
Control + Shift + Number6Command + Shift + Number6全局Set bookmark 6
Control + Shift + Number7Command + Shift + Number7全局Set bookmark 7
Control + Shift + Number8Command + Shift + Number8全局Set bookmark 8
Control + Shift + Number9Command + Shift + Number9全局Set bookmark 9
Control + Number0Command + Number0全局Go to bookmark 0
Control + Number1Command + Number1全局Go to bookmark 1
Control + Number2Command + Number2全局Go to bookmark 2
Control + Number3Command + Number3全局Go to bookmark 3
Control + Number4Command + Number4全局Go to bookmark 4
Control + Number5Command + Number5全局Go to bookmark 5
Control + Number6Command + Number6全局Go to bookmark 6
Control + Number7Command + Number7全局Go to bookmark 7
Control + Number8Command + Number8全局Go to bookmark 8
Control + Number9Command + Number9全局Go to bookmark 9
Control + Shift + BCommand + Shift + B全局Open the Asset Browser
Control + ACommand + A全局Open the Create Asset window


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
Control + PCommand + P路径编辑器Pan to the path
Control + RCommand + R路径编辑器Reverse the path, i.e. make the path's last point the first and its first point the last
X 路径编辑器Mirror the path around its center position (horizontally)
Y 路径编辑器Flip the path around its center position (vertically)
 路径编辑器Shift the path
R 路径编辑器Rotate the path
T 路径编辑器Translate the path
S 路径编辑器Scale the path
Up 路径编辑器Shift up
Down 路径编辑器Shift down
Left 路径编辑器Shift left
Right 路径编辑器Shift right


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
Control + PCommand + PGML视觉Pan to the path
  GML视觉Add a comment
  GML视觉Remove a comment
Control + KCommand + KGML视觉Disable the selected nodes
Control + Shift + KCommand + Shift + KGML视觉Enable the selected nodes
F9 GML视觉Toggle breakpoints
RightShift GML视觉Drag all


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
Control + RCommand + R房间编辑器Reverse the path, i.e. make the path's last point the first and its first point the last
X 房间编辑器Mirror the path around its center position (horizontally)
Y 房间编辑器Flip the path around its center position (vertically)
 房间编辑器Shift the path
Control + Shift + ICommand + Shift + I房间编辑器Invert the current selection
 房间编辑器Increase the brush size
 房间编辑器Decrease the brush size
Up 房间编辑器Move the current selection up
Down 房间编辑器Move the current selection down
Left 房间编辑器Move the current selection left
Right 房间编辑器Move the current selection right
Control + Alt + ICommand + Alt + I房间编辑器Open the instance creation order window
Control + Alt + LCommand + Alt + L房间编辑器Open the layer view
Control + Shift + TCommand + Shift + T房间编辑器Open the tile selection window
Shift + X 房间编辑器Mirror individual elements of selection horizontally
X 房间编辑器Mirror horizontally as group
Shift + Y 房间编辑器Flip individual elements of selection vertically
Y 房间编辑器Flip selection as group vertically
Control + SemicolonCommand + Semicolon房间编辑器Toggle the smart guides and ruler
Control + Alt + Shift + SemicolonCommand + Alt + Shift + Semicolon房间编辑器Toggle smart guide rulerlock
Control + Shift + SemicolonCommand + Shift + Semicolon房间编辑器Toggle snapping to smart guides
Control + ECommand + E房间编辑器Toggle macro editing mode
Control + Alt + GCommand + Alt + G房间编辑器Generate tile map from image
Control + BCommand + B房间编辑器Add a new background layer
Control + ICommand + I房间编辑器Add a new instance layer
Control + Alt + TCommand + Alt + T房间编辑器Add new tile layer
Control + PCommand + P房间编辑器Add new path layer
RightControl + ACommand + A房间编辑器Add new asset layer
Control + ECommand + E房间编辑器Add a new effect layer
Control + FCommand + F房间编辑器Add a new layer folder
RightAlt 房间编辑器Paint with the selected resource
RightControl + Left
RightControl + Right
RightControl + Up
RightControl + Down
RightCommand + Left
RightCommand + Right
RightCommand + Up
RightCommand + Down
房间编辑器Paint with the selected resource performing precise item placement
P 房间编辑器Select from any layer
RightShift 房间编辑器Select override
 房间编辑器Hold to select a tile brush subsection


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
Space 序列编辑器Toggle between play and pause if the current editor has play controls
Control + Number8Command + Number8序列编辑器Add a broadcast message at the playhead position
Control + SemicolonCommand + Semicolon序列编辑器Toggle the smart guides and ruler
Control + Alt + Shift + SemicolonCommand + Alt + Shift + Semicolon序列编辑器Toggle smart guide rulerlock
Control + Shift + SemicolonCommand + Shift + Semicolon序列编辑器Toggle snapping to smart guides
T 序列编辑器Select the Translate tool
S 序列编辑器Select the Scale tool
R 序列编辑器Select the Rotate tool
Y 序列编辑器Select the Origin tool
Control + RCommand + R序列编辑器Toggle the canvas rulers
F7 序列编辑器Split Keyframe
F8 序列编辑器Remove the keyframes at the playhead position on the currently selected tracks
F9 序列编辑器Add a keyframe at the playhead position for all selected items on the canvas
F10 序列编辑器Toggle autokey
Q 序列编辑器Toggle multiselect origin
Control + Shift + HomeCommand + Shift + Home序列编辑器Center the selected items around their origins
Control + HomeCommand + Home序列编辑器Reset the position on the canvas of the currently selected items
Control + Alt + PCommand + Alt + P序列编辑器Toggle translation paths on the canvas
Alt + Left 序列编辑器Move the playhead left by 1 frame
Alt + Shift + Left 序列编辑器Move the playhead left by 10 frames
Alt + Right 序列编辑器Move the playhead right by 1 frame
Alt + Shift + Right 序列编辑器Move the playhead right by 10 frames
Control + LeftCommand + Left序列编辑器Move the selected keys left by 1 frame
Control + Shift + LeftCommand + Shift + Left序列编辑器Move the selected keys left by 10 frames
Control + RightCommand + Right序列编辑器Move the selected keys right by 1 frame
Control + Shift + RightCommand + Shift + Right序列编辑器Move the selected keys right by 10 frames
Left 序列编辑器Move the selected items left on the canvas
Shift + Left 序列编辑器Move the selected items left on the canvas (10x)
Right 序列编辑器Move the selected items right on the canvas
Shift + Right 序列编辑器Move the selected items right on the canvas (10x)
Up 序列编辑器Move the selected items up on the canvas
Shift + Up 序列编辑器Move the selected items up on the canvas (10x)
Down 序列编辑器Move the selected items down on the canvas
Shift + Down 序列编辑器Move the selected items down on the canvas (10x)
LeftBracket 序列编辑器Trim selected keys left
RightBracket 序列编辑器Trim selected keys right
Control + Alt + DCommand + Alt + D序列编辑器Split Key Two Tracks
Shift + RightBracket 序列编辑器Stretch the selected keys right
Shift + LeftBracket 序列编辑器Stretch the selected keys left
M 序列编辑器Move the playhead to the next keyframe in the selected parameter tracks
N 序列编辑器Move the playhead to the previous keyframe in the selected parameter tracks
Shift + M 序列编辑器Move the playhead to the next key
Shift + N 序列编辑器Move the playhead to the previous key
Home 序列编辑器Move the playhead to the start of the sequence
End 序列编辑器Move the playhead to the end of the sequence
Shift + Home 序列编辑器Move the playhead to the start of the selection
Shift + End 序列编辑器Move the playhead to the end of the selection
U 序列编辑器Toggle expand/collapse for the selected tracks in the Track Panel
Shift + U 序列编辑器Toggle expand/collapse for all tracks
Alt + Up 序列编辑器Select the track above the current track in the Track Panel
Alt + Down 序列编辑器Select the track below the current track in the Track Panel
Control + Alt + UpCommand + Alt + Up序列编辑器Add the track above the current track to the selection in the Track Panel
Control + Alt + DownCommand + Alt + Down序列编辑器Add the track below the current track to the selection in the Track Panel
Control + MCommand + M序列编辑器Add a new clipping mask track
Alt + G 序列编辑器Create a new group track and add the selected tracks to it
Control + Number9Command + Number9序列编辑器Add a new moment at the playhead position
Shift + Number9 序列编辑器Move the playhead to the next moment
Shift + Number8 序列编辑器Move the playhead to the previous moment
序列编辑器Clone translation
 序列编辑器Restrict the translation axis to allow only horizontal or vertical movement
序列编辑器Snap to origin
RightAlt 序列编辑器Resize the key
RightAlt 序列编辑器Select child keys


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
Space 图像编辑器Toggle between play and pause if the current editor has play controls
Shift + A 图像编辑器Add a new sprite frame
Control + Shift + ICommand + Shift + I图像编辑器Invert the current selection
 图像编辑器Increase the brush size
 图像编辑器Decrease the brush size
Alt + V 图像编辑器Toggle vertical split view
Alt + H 图像编辑器Toggle horizontal split view
  图像编辑器Remove horizontal and vertical split
Alt + C 图像编辑器Show the image at its actual size
Alt + F 图像编辑器Fit the image to centre
Number2 图像编辑器Select the next sprite frame
Number1 图像编辑器Select the previous sprite frame
Control + BCommand + B图像编辑器Make a brush from the current selection
Control + Shift + ACommand + Shift + A图像编辑器Import a sprite frame from an image file
Control + ICommand + I图像编辑器Import sprites from an image strip file
  图像编辑器Export the current sprite as a PNG file
Up 图像编辑器Move the current selection up
Down 图像编辑器Move the current selection down
Left 图像编辑器Move the current selection left
Right 图像编辑器Move the current selection right
Period 图像编辑器Select the Pixel Brush tool
B 图像编辑器Toggle the brush
A 图像编辑器Select the Arc tool
O 图像编辑器Select the Colour Picker tool
H 图像编辑器Select the Colour Remove tool
V 图像编辑器Select the Colour Replace tool
C 图像编辑器Select the Ellipse tool and set it to draw an outlined ellipse
Shift + C 图像编辑器Select the Ellipse tool and set it to draw a filled ellipse
E 图像编辑器Select the Eraser tool
F 图像编辑器Select the Fill (or Paint Bucket) tool
Y 图像编辑器Select the Flip tool
U 图像编辑器Select the Rotate brush tool
L 图像编辑器Select the Line tool
W 图像编辑器Select the Magic Wand tool
X 图像编辑器Select the Mirror tool
D 图像编辑器Select the Paintbrush tool
M 图像编辑器Select the Pan tool
P 图像编辑器Select the Polygon tool, ready to draw an outlined polygon
Shift + P 图像编辑器Select the Polygon tool, ready to draw a filled polygon
R 图像编辑器Select Rectangle tool, ready to draw an outlined rectangle (Brush Builder Tools)
Shift + R 图像编辑器Select the Rectangle tool, ready to draw a filled rectangle
Z 图像编辑器Rotate the current brush clockwise by 90 degrees
S 图像编辑器Select the Rectangle tool
Q 图像编辑器Select the Paint Selection tool
T 图像编辑器Select the Text tool
  图像编辑器Trim all the zero-alpha pixels from around the edges of a sprite
RightShift 图像编辑器Snap Tool Modifier
图像编辑器Hold to bring up the colour picker when selecting a left (LMB) or right colour (RMB) instead
图像编辑器Move the arc's first control point
RightAlt 图像编辑器Move the arc's second control point
RightAlt 图像编辑器Replace colour with alpha
RightShift 图像编辑器Draw a regular shape (a square instead of a rectangle, a circle instead of an ellipse, etc.)
RightAlt 图像编辑器Draw a centred shape
RightAlt 图像编辑器Fill tool tile with brush
图像编辑器Use the colour picker subtool
RightShift + Z 图像编辑器Use the brush scaler subtool


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
Space 精灵编辑器Toggle between play and pause if the current editor has play controls
PageDown 精灵编辑器Jump to the end of an animation
PageUp 精灵编辑器Jump to the start of an animation
Control + Number8Command + Number8精灵编辑器Add a broadcast message at the playhead position
Shift + A 精灵编辑器Add a new sprite frame
Control + Shift + ECommand + Shift + E精灵编辑器Open the Image Editor when having a sprite selected in the workspace
Control + ICommand + I精灵编辑器Import image
Control + RCommand + R精灵编辑器Open the Resize Properties window


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
Space 物体编辑器Toggle between play and pause if the current editor has play controls
PageDown 物体编辑器Jump to the end of an animation
PageUp 物体编辑器Jump to the start of an animation
Control + Shift + ECommand + Shift + E物体编辑器Open the Image Editor when having a sprite selected in the workspace
Control + Shift + NCommand + Shift + N物体编辑器Create a new sprite asset for the active asset and open it in the Sprite Editor
Control + ICommand + I物体编辑器Edit the image of the sprite assigned to the active asset
Control + KCommand + K物体编辑器Edit the mask sprite
Control + LCommand + L物体编辑器Add a child object to the current object
Control + ACommand + A物体编辑器Add an event to the current object
Control + Alt + TCommand + Alt + T物体编辑器Add a new variable to the current object's Variable Definitions
Control + Shift + OCommand + Shift + O物体编辑器Edit the parent object
Control + BCommand + B物体编辑器Modify the object's physics collision shape
Control + FCommand + F物体编辑器Open the Events window
Control + GCommand + G物体编辑器Open the object's Parent window
Control + HCommand + H物体编辑器Open Physics window
Control + JCommand + J物体编辑器Open the object's Variable Definitions window
Control + Shift + MCommand + Shift + M物体编辑器Select a mask sprite for the object (opens the Select Mask window)
Control + PCommand + P物体编辑器Select parent


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
Space 声音编辑器Toggle between play and pause if the current editor has play controls
L 声音编辑器Loop all
R 声音编辑器Stop and rewind all
M 声音编辑器Mute all (all mixer columns)
Control + Shift + MCommand + Shift + M声音编辑器Open the Sound Mixer


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
Space 声音混合器Toggle between play and pause if the current editor has play controls
L 声音混合器Loop all
R 声音混合器Stop and rewind all
M 声音混合器Mute all (all mixer columns)


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
Control + Shift + ECommand + Shift + E时间线编辑器Change the selected timeline moment
Control + Shift + MCommand + Shift + M时间线编辑器Merge the selected timeline moments
Control + UCommand + U时间线编辑器Unselect timeline moments
Alt + Enter 时间线编辑器Edit moment (jump to code editor)


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
Control + Shift + ICommand + Shift + I图块集编辑器Invert the current selection
Up 图块集编辑器Select the previous tile animation (in the Tile Animation window)
Down 图块集编辑器Select the next tile animation (in the Tile Animation window)
Left 图块集编辑器Select the previous tile animation frame (in the Tile Animation window)
Right 图块集编辑器Select the next tile animation frame (in the Tile Animation window)
Shift + Up 图块集编辑器Move the tile animation up (in the Tile Animation window)
Shift + Down 图块集编辑器Move the tile animation up (in the Tile Animation window)
Shift + Left 图块集编辑器Move the tile animation frame left (in the Tile Animation window)
Shift + Right 图块集编辑器Move the tile animation frame right (in the Tile Animation window)
 图块集编辑器Increase the brush size
 图块集编辑器Decrease the brush size
Control + Shift + OCommand + Shift + O图块集编辑器Open the tileset properties
Control + Shift + BCommand + Shift + B图块集编辑器Open the Brush Builder window
Control + Shift + TCommand + Shift + T图块集编辑器Open the Tile Animation window
Control + Shift + ACommand + Shift + A图块集编辑器Open the Auto Tiling window
E 图块集编辑器Select the Eraser tool
F 图块集编辑器Select the Fill (or Paint Bucket) tool
Y 图块集编辑器Select the Flip tool
L 图块集编辑器Select the Line tool
X 图块集编辑器Select the Mirror tool
D 图块集编辑器Select the Paintbrush tool
Z 图块集编辑器Rotate the current brush clockwise by 90 degrees
A 图块集编辑器Select auto tile tool (in the Brush Builder Tools)
I 图块集编辑器Select the tile inheritance tool
R 图块集编辑器Select the tile rectangle tool
S 图块集编辑器Select the tile selection tool
Control + Shift + ECommand + Shift + E图块集编辑器Open the Image Editor when having a sprite selected in the workspace
Control + Shift + NCommand + Shift + N图块集编辑器Create a new sprite asset for the active asset and open it in the Sprite Editor
Control + ICommand + I图块集编辑器Edit the image of the sprite assigned to the active asset
Control + FCommand + F图块集编辑器Add a full auto tile set (Auto Tiling window)
Control + RCommand + R图块集编辑器Add an auto tile transition set (Auto Tiling window)
G 图块集编辑器Toggle the auto tile guide


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
F9 旧版代码编辑器Toggle breakpoints
F3 旧版代码编辑器Search the next occurrence of the text to search
Shift + F3 旧版代码编辑器Search the previous occurrence of the text to search
Control + FCommand + F旧版代码编辑器Open a code or shader editor's Find and Replace in Find mode
Control + HCommand + Shift + H旧版代码编辑器Open a code or shader editor's Find and Replace in Replace mode
旧版代码编辑器Open the parent event
Alt + Up
Command + Left
Control + A
旧版代码编辑器Jump to start of line or start of actual code
Alt + Down
Command + Right
Control + E
旧版代码编辑器Jump to end of line
Shift + HomeShift + Home
Alt + Shift + Up
Command + Shift + Left
旧版代码编辑器Jump to start of line or start of actual code while selecting everything in between
Shift + EndShift + End
Alt + Shift + Down
Command + Shift + Right
旧版代码编辑器Jump to end of line while selecting everything in between
Alt + Shift + Home 旧版代码编辑器Jump to start and add to column select
Alt + Shift + End 旧版代码编辑器Jump to end and add to column select
Control + HomeControl + Home
Command + Up
旧版代码编辑器Move the text cursor to the start of the document
Control + EndControl + End
Command + Down
旧版代码编辑器Move the text cursor to the end of the document
Control + Shift + HomeControl + Shift + Home
Command + Shift + Up
旧版代码编辑器Move the text cursor to the start of the document and select everything in between
Control + Shift + EndControl + Shift + End
Command + Shift + Down
旧版代码编辑器Move the text cursor to the end of the document and select everything in between
Tab 旧版代码编辑器Indent the selected lines of code
Shift + Tab 旧版代码编辑器Unindent the selected lines of code
F4 旧版代码编辑器Bring up the code snippets popup
Control + M 旧版代码编辑器Fold all regions
Control + U 旧版代码编辑器Unfold all regions
Control + EnterCommand + Enter旧版代码编辑器Expand/Collapse region
Control + Alt + UpCommand + Alt + Up旧版代码编辑器Move the cursor to the previous region
Control + Alt + DownCommand + Alt + Down旧版代码编辑器Move the cursor to the next region
Control + KCommand + K旧版代码编辑器Comment line or selection
Control + Shift + KCommand + Shift + K旧版代码编辑器Uncomment line or selection
Control + SpaceControl + Space
Command + Space
旧版代码编辑器Open the code completion window
Control + GCommand + G旧版代码编辑器Goto line number
Control + PageUpCommand + PageUp旧版代码编辑器Doc Window Next Tab
Control + PageDownCommand + PageDown旧版代码编辑器Doc Window Previous Tab
F7 旧版代码编辑器Decrement the text size
F8 旧版代码编辑器Increment the text size
Control + Q 旧版代码编辑器Open Feather's Quick Fixes menu
Number1 旧版代码编辑器Insert a code block snippet at the cursor position
Number2 旧版代码编辑器Insert an if statement snippet at the cursor position
Number3 旧版代码编辑器Insert an if-else statement snippet at the cursor position
Number4 旧版代码编辑器Insert a for loop at the cursor position
Number5 旧版代码编辑器Insert a for loop with counter variable at the cursor position
Number6 旧版代码编辑器Insert a while loop snippet at the cursor position
Number7 旧版代码编辑器Insert a do-until loop snippet at the cursor position
Number8 旧版代码编辑器Insert a repeat statement snippet at the cursor position
Number9 旧版代码编辑器Insert a switch statement snippet at the cursor position
Number0 旧版代码编辑器Insert a with statement snippet at the cursor position
C 旧版代码编辑器Insert a single line comment snippet at the cursor position
M 旧版代码编辑器Insert a multi-line comment snippet at the cursor position
R 旧版代码编辑器Insert a region snippet at the cursor position
Control + Shift + RCommand + Shift + R旧版代码编辑器Replace the next occurrence of the searched text
Shift + F1 旧版代码编辑器Find usages
Control + RCommand + R旧版代码编辑器Refactor the current identifier


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
Shift + O 资源浏览器Open in Explorer
Control + RightBracketCommand + RightBracket资源浏览器Move items up
Control + LeftBracketCommand + LeftBracket资源浏览器Move items down
Control + Shift + RightBracketCommand + Shift + RightBracket资源浏览器Move items to the top
Control + Shift + LeftBracketCommand + Shift + LeftBracket资源浏览器Move items to the bottom


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
F11Command + F11调试器Step into the current statement or function in the debugger
F10 调试器Step over the current statement in the debugger
Shift + F11 调试器Step out of the current statement or function in the debugger


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
F3 羽毛Enumerate References
Shift + F3 羽毛Find All References to the selected asset
Control + Shift + RCommand + Shift + R羽毛Rename the identifier that the cursor is currently at in the Code Editor
Control + Alt + M 羽毛Show diagnostics


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
Control + Alt + EnterCommand + Alt + Enter工作区Zoom and pan to selected
Control + Alt + UpCommand + Alt + Up工作区Workspace Chain Move Up
Control + Alt + DownCommand + Alt + Down工作区Workspace Chain Move Down
Control + Alt + LeftCommand + Alt + Left工作区Workspace Chain Move Left
Control + Alt + RightCommand + Alt + Right工作区Workspace Chain Move Right


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
Control + ACommand + A字体编辑器Add a range of characters to the font
Control + Shift + OCommand + Shift + O字体编辑器Open the Font Options
Control + RCommand + R字体编辑器Regenerate the font texture


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
Control + ACommand + A动画曲线编辑器Add a new curve
Control + RCommand + R动画曲线编辑器Set the range on the y axis


Windows 键位绑定macOS 键位绑定范围描述
Control + F 代码编辑器Find in editor
Control + H 代码编辑器Replace in editor
Control + Shift + F 代码编辑器Open project-wide search
Control + Shift + R 代码编辑器Replace the next occurrence
Control + Q 代码编辑器Open Feather's Quick Fixes menu
Control + M 代码编辑器Fold all code regions
Control + U 代码编辑器Unfold all code regions
Control + Enter 代码编辑器Toggle folding
Alt + M 代码编辑器Fold the active document
Alt + Shift + M 代码编辑器Fold all documents
Alt + Shift + U 代码编辑器Unfold all documents
Control + K 代码编辑器Comment the current line or selection
Control + Shift + K 代码编辑器Uncomment the current line or selection
Control + D 代码编辑器Duplicate the current line of text or selection
Control + JCommand + J代码编辑器Join code lines
Control + Shift + UCommand + Shift + U代码编辑器Convert the selection to UPPERCASE
Control + UCommand + U代码编辑器Convert the selection to lowercase
Alt + U 代码编辑器Convert the selection to Proper Case
Control + Alt + UCommand + Alt + U代码编辑器Convert the selection to Sentence case
Any + BackSpace 代码编辑器Backspace
Any + Delete 代码编辑器Delete
Tab 代码编辑器Indent
Shift + Tab 代码编辑器Unindent
Control + BackSpace 代码编辑器Delete the entire word left of the cursor
Control + Delete 代码编辑器Delete the entire word right of the cursor
Any + Enter 代码编辑器Insert a line break at the cursor position
Control + R 代码编辑器Refactor the current identifier
Left 代码编辑器Move the text cursor left
Right 代码编辑器Move the text cursor right
Up 代码编辑器Move the text cursor up
Down 代码编辑器Move the text cursor down
Control + Home 代码编辑器Move the text cursor to the start of the current document
Home 代码编辑器Move the text cursor to the start of the current line or the start of the code on the current line
Control + End 代码编辑器Move the text cursor to the end of the current document
End 代码编辑器Move the text cursor to the end of the current line
PageUp 代码编辑器Move the text cursor a page up
PageDown 代码编辑器Move the text cursor a page down
Control + Shift + MinusCommand + Shift + Minus代码编辑器Move to the next item in the history
Control + MinusCommand + Minus代码编辑器Move to the previous item in the history
Control + G 代码编辑器Go to a specific line
Control + T 代码编辑器Go to a specific type
Alt + Down 代码编辑器Move to the next document
Alt + Up 代码编辑器Move to the previous document
Alt + Shift + Down 代码编辑器Move to the next code region
Alt + Shift + Up 代码编辑器Move to the previous code region
Alt + F1 代码编辑器Previews the identifier's declaration
F1 代码编辑器Navigates to the identifier's declaration
Shift + F1 代码编辑器Finds all usages of the identifier and displays them in the Search Results window
Control + PCommand + P代码编辑器Format the document
Control + LeftBracket 代码编辑器Go to the matching brace
Shift + Number9
 代码编辑器Show code completion parameters
Escape 代码编辑器Dismiss the code completion pop-up
Alt + Shift + M 代码编辑器Collapse all documents
Alt + Shift + U 代码编辑器Expand all documents
Alt + M 代码编辑器Collapse the current document
Alt + U 代码编辑器Expand the current document
Alt + Number1 代码编辑器Toggle asset navigation
Alt + Number2 代码编辑器Toggle document navigation
Alt + Number3 代码编辑器Toggle symbols navigation
Alt + Shift + Number1 代码编辑器Toggle create asset
Alt + Shift + Number2
Alt + Shift + N
 代码编辑器Toggle create document