This function will return the approximate number of seconds until a time-based trial expires. The value returned by this function is meaningless if the trial is not time-based or if the game is not running in trial mode.
if (uwp_license_trial_version())
var secs = uwp_license_trial_time_remaining() mod 60;
var mins = uwp_license_trial_time_remaining() div 60;
var hours = mins div 60;
if secs < 10 secs = "0" + string(secs) else secs = string(secs);
if mins > 60 mins -= (hours * 60);
if mins < 10 mins = "0" + string(mins) else mins = string(mins);
if hours > 9 hours = "9" else hours = string(hours);
time_string = hours + ":" + mins + ":" + secs;
The above code checks to see if the game is being run with a trial licence and if it is it creates a string with the time until the licence expires.