
This function permits you to join a specific session via a session handle. This is similar to joining a session invite but is useful when you have your own server performing the matchmaking rather than relying on xbox live matchmaking.

The function requires you to provide the user ID - which you can retrieve for a particular game pad by calling the xboxlive_user_for_pad() function - as well as the Secure Device Association template, which you should have created beforehand in the XDP dashboard.

For the session handle, you will need to have first retrieved the "correlation id" from the session you wish to join. When the original session is created the Asynchronous Social event will be "session_created" and it will include a "correlationid" entry in the returned map (see xboxlive_matchmaking_create()). You will need to have this ID passed back to the server for it to then be passed out when receiving a matchmaking request. Once the joining game has received the "correlation id" back from the server they can then call this function passing the correlation ID as the session handle argument.

The function will return -1 if there has been an error (in which case there should be console output detailing the issue), or a Request ID value otherwise. The Request ID value can then be used to identify the correct Social Asynchronous Event for this function. This event will be triggered when the session has been created and will contain a DS Map in the variable async_load with the following key/value pairs:

When a new player joins the session, the DS map will have these key/value pairs:



xboxlive_matchmaking_join_session(user_id, session_handle, sdatemplate);

user_idXbox User IDThe User ID pointer to use
session_handleRealThe "correlation id" to use for the session ID (see description, above)
sdatemplateStringThe name of the secure device association template to use



Async Request ID



Request_ID = xboxlive_matchmaking_join_session(global.UserID, global.SessionID, "PeerServerTraffic");

The above will send a request to join the given multiplayer session, storing the request ID value in a variable so it can be checked in the asynchronous event.