Create Object INstance Icon Create Instance

With this action you can create an instance of any object from The Asset Browser. You give the name of the object and an x/y position within the room where it is to be created as well as the name of the layer to create the instance on (it must be an Instance Layer). You can tick the "relative" flags to position the instance relative to the instance running the action code blocks. Whenever you create an instance in the game, it is given a unique ID value with which you can then identify the instance in further actions, therefore this action permits you to define a "Target" variable to hold this ID value (as shown in the example below).

NOTE The target can be flagged as a temporary (local) variable, which will be created for the action and can be used in all subsequent actions.


Action Syntax:

Create Object Instance Action


ObjectThe name of the object to create an instance of.
xThe x position in the room to create the instance (can be relative to the calling instance).
yThe y position in the room to create the instance (can be relative to the calling instance).
LayerThe name (a string) of the instance layer to create the instance on.
TargetThe variable to target for the return value.



Create Object Instance ExampleThe above action block code creates a new instance and stores its unique ID value in a temporary variable. This variable is then used in the Apply To... action to set some properties of the instance created.