Set Instance Colour Icon Set Instance Colour

This action block sets the image_blend colour for "blending" with the instance sprite. The default value is the hex code $FFFFFFFF (which represents the colour white using ARGB format) and this will draw the sprite using no blending and full alpha. Any other value (including internal colour constants like c_red, or c_aqua) will blend the specified colour with the original sprite as well as set the image_alpha component for the instance, but only when the Use Alpha checkbox is ticked. This will overwrite any alpha value set previously using the action Set Instance Alpha.

NOTE For changes in this action to be visible, the instance should have either no draw event (and so GameMaker will default draw the sprite) or be drawn using Draw Self action. It is important to note too that you should try to limit blending on the HTML5 platform (unless using WebGL), as each blended sprite has to be cached separately and so having many blended sprites may adversely affect performance.

Example of sprites being coloured

Action Syntax:

Set Instance Colour Action


ColourThe new blending colour to use (clicking the colour swatch will open the colour picker window).



Set Instance Colour ExampleThe above action block code sets a new sprite as well as a number of other properties for how that sprite is to be displayed, including setting the blend colour to pink.